Popular plugins

Hide Ranking

By Ezio(Trusted developer)

Hides the ranking section of StartRace/Pause/EndRace menus

Validation Display

By Mystixor

This plugin allows you to let the game display a run during validation in real-time.


By Ezio(Trusted developer)

Allows changing the UISequence when playing in solo

Chat Logger

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Logs all chat messages to its PluginStorage folder.

Track Remover

By Mebe12

Automatically removes all mediatracker tracks besides time, race camera and ghosts at the click of a button.

Script Parse Logger

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Logs parsed game scripts (all of them).

Valley 32x32 Warp Fix

By Zai

Fixes the 32x32 warp in Valley being invisible

ManiaLink Saver

By Ezio(Trusted developer)

Plugin for saving ManiaLinks to read later

Stop ALT Blocking Inputs (mp4)

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

In MP4, if you press alt while driving, it kills inputs. This disables that behavior.

Match Totals

By matp93

Plugin to tracks player scores in online matches

Camera Coords

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Shows the camera's coords with easy copy paste. Useful for locating positions in maps, etc.

Hide Spectators Count

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Hides the spectators count in TM2